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Children's Mindfulness Worksheets
Worksheets are currently FREE to download. All worksheets are PDF format and can be downloaded and printed immediately. All worksheets have been designed by Abundance TEC and written with an intention to support mindfulness and children's emotional well-being. Worksheets are just suggestions as to activities that can support mindfulness and should be adapted to suit the individual user. It is the responsibility of those with parental responsibility to check the suitability of the worksheet for their child. I recognise everyone's circumstances, feelings and emotions are different and unique. All activities should not be viewed as a replacement of medical or therapy sessions. Please seek advice from your GP and/or appropriate organisations if you are concerned about your child's mental health.

A mindfulness activity worksheet based on letting go of negative thoughts and feelings.

A mindfulness activity worksheet to encourage positive forward planning.

A mindfulness activity worksheet based on replacing negative thoughts.